'If you know nothing about shooting landscapes - or if you think you know everything about it - take this course. Rhiain will open your eyes to the world around you in ways subtle and piercing. She's incredibly supportive and knowledgeable, a gifted photographer and compassionate teacher. Added bonuses: this area of France is amazing, so far largely untouched by "Western culture," and Canel is an oasis in its own right, with wonderful hosts and peace for your soul.' 
Norman M, US,  September 2024

'Rhiain Lefton’s thoughtful teachings have helped advance my photography practice considerably. Rhiain’s attentive direction to building each body of work with an immersive photographer’s eye, alongside essential time together in the inspiring landscapes of southwest France, has propelled my abilities and confidence. 
I met Rhiain in 2023 and recognized soon after that she was to be a strong mentor for my photographic endeavours. Rhiain has since supported and encouraged me, through an online creative workflow mentoring process, to develop a robust portfolio and exhibit several of my landscape series in Canada and abroad.'
Colleen D, Canada, November 2024

"Rhiain's course was the first photography course I've ever taken so I went in not 100% sure how much I'd get out of it, but it ended up far exceeding my expectations. I walked away feeling like I had jumped to a whole a new level in my photography!"
Sam M, US/ China, September 2024

'After being unable to make anything for about two years. I was lucky enough to start creative workflow mentoring (CWM) with Rhiain Lefton. She is so encouraging, and practical that I felt able to respond to her help and advice - and made some things. It felt so good but I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to maintain momentum without someone looking over my shoulder. But it turns out I needed encouragement and inspiration, which I’m getting. I never thought this would work out so well and I can’t speak too highly of CWM.'
Gail R, London, UK, November 2024

'I have been making ceramics for about 15 years and I love it, but I never had the faith in myself nor the impulse to do anything with what I made. When I met Rhiain she was able to give me the confidence to consider exhibiting my work and she did that almost without my being aware of how she was guiding me; Rhiain has an ability to bring into focus things that were nothing but mud before and a directness combined with subtlety that gradually got me to think about myself as more than simply a hobbyist and propelled me into planning an exhibition and all that I would need to make it happen. The whole process was complicated. There is no way around it. Hard work was needed, but in the end I was delighted that all that effort paid off and I consider the show a success. I sold about half the work I presented.'
Amy K, NYC, France, Dec 2024

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