Creative Workflow Mentoring (CWM) is a process I developed to support creatives in managing their artistic workflow and developing their practice. We can become overloaded and overwhelmed with every-thing there is to do in our lives generally, and specifically within our artistic work. Developing effective workflows can enable us to be more productive and curate actual bodies of work to present to the world, rather than being lost in endless process.
'Rhiain has (...) supported and encouraged me, through an online creative workflow mentoring process, to develop a robust portfolio and exhibit several of my landscape series in Canada and abroad.' CD Nov 24​​​​​​​
CWM can help with:
- developing a creative workflow that enables you to prioritise your work and be more productive
- editing your work: learn to curate bodies of work that showcase your creative vision, are personally enriching and which you can exhibit (portfolios, exhibitions, friends and family...)
- developing yourself as an artist: artist's statement; portfolios; self-promotion; research and applications for grants and residencies; exhibitions; online galleries; art fairs...
- developing your online presence as an artist: websites; social media
- working through creative blocks
- getting started
Please note CWM is not therapy. As a mentor I will support you to find pragmatic strategies for developing your artistic objectives. Each work agreement is unique to the artist and dependent on their needs and objectives. As an example, we would agree to work within a set time frame of 9 months meeting online monthly for one hour and together we would develop overarching and rolling objectives.

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